The Chrysalis Project is an organization designed to assist High School young ladies in readiness for college direction and beyond. Our mission commits us to engage young and eager minds to partake in various projects, experiences as well as educational and cultural events throughout the year. Our desire is to meet on a monthly basis with the emphasis to expose young ladies to learning important everyday practical task as well as to mentor and encourage them to acquire the need for positive growth and maturity.

This program is free of charge to our participants through generous donations, fundraising, and grants and will entail mandatory requirements to ensure that the concepts are understood by each participant.

Our application consists of questions that can help us understand the goals of the participant. This will give us the ability to match each young lady with mentors that can significantly help expose them to various goal-related areas.


Our objective is to raise the level of cultural awareness in young women, with an emphasis on art, music, theatre, dance, literature and community. The Chrysalis Project, believes that every young woman has the right to a well-rounded education that includes the arts. Arts and culture programs have proven to show improvement in critical thinking, literacy, and the ability to work collaboratively toward the future. We teach our young women to strive to become cultural ambassadors in addition to productive citizens.

“Children need to go to the theatre as much as they need to run about in the fresh air. They need to hear real music played by real musicians on real instruments as they need food and drink. If you deprive children of shelter and food and exercise, they die visibly. If you deprive them of art and music and story and theatre, they perish on the inside, and their starvation doesn’t show.”

- Phillip Pullman


STEM pervades every aspect of our modern life. Girls can learn to solve the complex problems of our current world as well as our future through the education of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.  


Our Health and Wellness programs encourage good lifestyle choices while focusing on overall well-being including the Body, Mind and Spirit. Nutrition and physical fitness have a profound impact on social, emotional, and spiritual health. We envision building the confidence of our youth through health and wellness so they in turn become change agents and contributors to a healthy, thriving community.

·       We  help teens through awareness and educational training programs by promoting an increase in physical fitness and mental wellbeing.

·       Symposiums and workshops are provided using an holistic approach to better nutrition, physical fitness planning and overall well being.

View Physical Wellness Program Presentation


Our Are You Dressed program teaches girls the benefits of setting a dress code standard for professional and basic etiquette environments which often helps create a positive self- image.  


Our Face to Face program demonstrates the appropriate appliance of make-up style for interviews, employment and various occasions which can enhance a girl's natural beauty and help her put her best face forward.  The girls are also provided with routine Skin Care advice to cleanse and nourish her facial tone.  

Financial Health

The Financial Health program explains the meaning of obtaining financial security, attaining goals by saving and planning for the future as well as the importance of balancing accounts, credit, investing and money management.  Girls are encouraged to understand the state of their own personal financial situation and learn positive concepts emphasizing social and personal resources for everyday life. 

It is in the goals of The Chrysalis Project to continuously give support and to mentor these Young Ladies. The guidance that we provide are valuable lessons to help them carry themselves in a positive direction. It is evident that these platforms will be useful to help empower our future society.